
to my beloved bloggers: if you have not read the above post, please do so (as well as the comments) before continuing reading the rest of this post. xoxo, shirL

dusty could not have put it better. people who are fortunate enough to have a public forum, with such a vast audience should sure as shit have more class than these assholes.

i dont even know where to begin. maybe we should start with what it truely means to be constructive, and critical- supporting your criticisms with KNOWLEDGE and not your socially superior attitude. i think with a platform that you are so fortunate to have, you should be embarrassed and ashamed at stooping to such LOW LEVELS. the fact of the matter is, more people know who Richie Rich is. he has created a name for himself- regardless of it's connotations. he has a unique personal style, and a vision. maybe its not a vision everyone can relate to- or something that is in sync with everyone's personal taste. BUT like every other designer out there, who works hard, he deserves RESPECT. do you think that if he sat down and actually gave a shit about what you thought for his next collection, it would be any better? and furthermore- does karl lagerfeld, tom ford, or marc jacobs ring you up personally to see what direction YOU think the industry should be going in for next season?? absolutely not.

i won't take anymore stabs at those who get a rise out of making people feel like they have no talent. these people should feel so utterly ashamed of themselves- and rethink what real right they have to make such nasty statements.

i cannot even comment on what you have to say about McQueen's suicide. but for that comment alone, you should have choked on your supposed mouth full of puke right there at Richie's show, and he should have roller-skated all over your ugly face. (yikes! i swear i dont know where that malevolence came from) do you honestly think McQueen would be proud of you? sit on that. before you bring someone's name into something... think about how they would feel about your statement. you are disgusting, and i will forever boycott your website.